1. Forward advancement in the alleyway begins at the initiation of the run. Horses may not circle, back up, or fail to continue forward advancement while in the alleyway. The only exception will be if the gate attendant or other outside unexpected entity impedes forward advancement prior to the run commencing. In this instance, the forward advancement ruling will be dismissed.
2. Rider may not school on a horse during a run. If a rider circles a barrel more than once, they will be disqualified and fined $200.00. If the rider breaks pattern, a no time will be enforced.
3. Members are expected to always conduct themselves in a courteous manner at all times. The Breeders Challenge reserves the right to refuse service or draw-out any rider for inappropriate conduct, conflicts with management, or any other disputes that cannot be settled prior to an event.
4. There will be zero tolerance for animal abuse of any kind. Excessive whipping, force, use of shock devices, or blood drawn will result in disqualification and banning of the rider from the active event and future events. This includes any and all activity while at a Breeders Challenge sanctioned event or the Finale.
5. A re-run will be granted if the timer fails to clock the run. The rider will be given the opportunity to an immediate re-run at the end of the next drag, or a re-run at the end of the race following a drag. The re-run will be a considered a clean slate run and all applicable race rules will be applied. If a rider knocks a barrel over during their run and they keep all three barrels standing during the re-run, the knocked over barrel will not apply to the re-run.
6. If a rider knocks a barrel over, a +5 seconds will automatically be applied for each barrel knocked over. Hit barrels will not be considered a “NT” no time, all times will count so long as the pattern is not broken.
7. Negative, slanderous, or inappropriate content on social media outlets, public forums, or any other form of outreach will not be tolerated. Specific or non specific use of The Breeders Challenge are to be included. Members in violation will be removed from the program temporarily or permanently per the discrepancy of The Breeders Challenge with no associated refund. Members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner in regards to The Breeders Challenge. Should deemed inappropriate conduct commence following a private written statement made by The Breeders Challenge to the member in question, further legal action may take place at the discretion of The Breeders Challenge. As Riders do not receive any monetary compensation for competition with The Breeders Challenge, should such conduct ensue, the penalized parties will be the Owner of the horse.
8. Each run will be clocked individually toward a single payout or average payout depending upon the entered race. Runs may be rolled from one division to another, entry must be received and paid prior to run in order to be eligible for any rollovers.
9. Riders must be checked in the drag before they run. A 3-2-1 call will occur at the discretion of the announcer to draw out a team. If a rider is drawn out, they will receive a no time and forfeit inclusion in the average.
10. Dress Code: Long Sleeve Shirt, Full Length Pants, Western Boots, Helmet, or Western Hat.
11. A current coggins and health certificate must accompany each horse entered for a race. Members agree to comply with the general requests, rules, and health requirements of the venue.
12. By payment of entry into the Breeders Challenge Finale or a qualification event, riders grant permission to the rights of their image, likeness and sound of their voices as recorded on audio or video tape without payment or any other notice or consideration. These images may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and ropers waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein their likenesses appears. Additionally, riders waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of an image or recording. Material may be used for diverse promotional and educational purposes within an unrestricted geographical area.
13. In order for a horse to receive any form of payout at the Qualifier Level, Semi Finals Level, or Finale Level they must past the eye entering the arena and pass the eye leaving the arena. Failure to do so will forfeit any form of awards presentation and monetary payout to Owner, Stallion Owner, and Nominator.
14. Qualifier advancements of horses due to a scratch will be carried out thru 5:00pm cst the day preceeding the initiation of exhibitions at the finale.
15. Finalist advancements of horses due to a scratch following the draw party will be carried out thru 1 hour preceeding the start time of race. The draw position will be automatically assigned to the horse moving into the scratched horses position.
16. Vitrified Embryos sired by an enrolled stallion the year of vitrification will be honored for foal enrollment into the program for up to 2 years beyond the stallions removal from the program.
Written statements specifying details of the embryo will be required:
a. Stallion Owner
Onsite Insemination Date OR Shipment Date/s including Dams Registered Name and Registration Number
b. Laboratory Performing Vitrification And Thaw
Date of Embryo Vitrification OR Date of I.C.S.I. Injection by stallion
Date of Embryo Thaw and Transfer